1.someone who is in control has the power to make decisions and decide what should happen
1.It would be easy to attach this to a stereotype of women leaders as not in control of their emotions.
2.The enemy cannot cast or attack but is still in control of his character.
3.The reigning champions seem to be in control again after beating rivals Juventus to consolidate their power.
4.I don't like the feeling that I'm not in control of my life. I could be getting raped, right now, and wouldn't even know it.
5.She gets to be in control while enjoying total devotion from her man in the process. What more could she want?
6.You'll start to see how much better it feels to be in control of what happens every day.
7.Loans more, the better, pays as small as possible, of course, all this should be in control of your debt capacity .
8.Boehner rejected any assertion that the defeat of the spending bill means he is not in control of his own Republican caucus.
9."I really do want to be in control of my own life, " William said in an interview afterwards. "I value all the normality I can get. "
10.These activities will help you to feel more in control of your day, and set you up to deal with whatever life throws at you.